At present, it is somewhat more difficult to obtain a loan without guarantors than in pre-crisis times, since the banks have tightened the lending program. In this regard, a lot of certificates and documents are required from the lender, for which a large amount of time is required.

It should be noted that for clients of specialized companies, credit without guarantors is not a serious problem, they are the ones who provide highly qualified assistance in obtaining loans of any complexity.
In most cases, loans without certificates and guarantors are chosen by young people or small businesses. Often the amount of this loan is small, but it should also be borne in mind that the rates for such loans are often higher than for other types of loans. It is for this reason that consumer loans without guarantors and certificates require a careful approach and careful study of offers from various banking institutions. Currently, there are a large number of companies on the market offering assistance in obtaining loans to the population, but these services, for various reasons, are not always of high quality.
A quality consulting company should have its own base of proposals from different banking institutions so that many important factors can be taken into account when selecting a loan program for clients. In addition, the specialists of such companies are constantly improving their qualifications, constantly monitoring all changes in the field of modern lending. Thus, the client is provided with a loan without guarantors and certificates on the most favorable terms in the shortest possible time.