One of the most important characteristics for an enterprise is its size, which is determined by the number of employees. The size of an enterprise is directly related to its belonging to a particular industry. For example, if large and very large organizations are involved in metallurgy and mechanical engineering, then in the food industry, companies are much smaller.

Step 1
According to Russian standards, companies are divided into small (up to 50 people employed in the activities of the enterprise), medium (up to 500 people), large (up to 1,000 people) and very large (1,000 people employed in activities and more).
Step 2
Large enterprises tend to specialize in the production of goods in large quantities, which helps them in the fight against competitors. Medium-sized enterprises manufacture products for a narrower purpose and can use the most modern and unique technologies in their activities. The smallest enterprises usually provide services and produce products to introduce any innovations.
Step 3
The indicators of the size of the enterprise are at the same time criteria for measurement. It is possible to distinguish a combined, qualitative and quantitative approaches to determining the scale of the company. The quantitative approach is to determine the annual turnover, the number of employees and to calculate the book value of assets and fixed assets.
Step 4
A qualitative approach to determining the size of an enterprise involves the use of qualitative criteria. Management systems, performance monitoring systems, employee motivation, etc. are taken into account. However, due to its complexity, this approach is not often used to determine the scale of a company's operations.
Step 5
As a rule, small companies strive for growth, which implies quantitative changes in the volume of the company's activities. However, when expanding activities, you need to think about development, which consists in increasing the effectiveness of these activities. Without development, it will not be possible to organize the rapid growth of the enterprise.