How To Make Money Quickly And Without Investment

How To Make Money Quickly And Without Investment
How To Make Money Quickly And Without Investment

Table of contents:


There are many ways to make money quickly and without investment, but not all of them are really effective, or they do not bring income to everyone. The profitability of a particular method depends on the skills of a particular person. If you know how to write competently simple texts that help to solve this or that life problem, the website of the "Relevant Media" company can become a good source of income for you.

How to make money quickly and without investment
How to make money quickly and without investment

It is necessary

  • - knowledge of the rules of grammar, punctuation and style of the Russian language;
  • - knowledge and personal experience in a particular area;
  • - a computer;
  • -access to the Internet.


Step 1

Go to the Relevant Media website and register on it, fill in all the required fields (personal data, registration address, phone number, TIN, PFR certificate number, bank details for transferring your earnings). Attach an example of your own text on any topic, if available, with a link to the source. After it has been reviewed by the company's employees, you will soon have the opportunity to select and complete tasks.

Step 2

Before starting work, carefully read the instructions, links to which are provided on your desktop. This will help you avoid many of the mistakes that lead to bounced back and rejection of your texts. It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the instructions for the editor, which will help you understand what will be guided by the people on whom it depends whether your work will be paid or not.

Step 3

Go to the "Find tasks" tab and use the catalog to select the most suitable for you. The panel on the left side of the page will allow you to filter only topics of interest. After clicking on the "Run" button, the selected title is added to your list of tasks.

Step 4

Go through the "Assignments" tab, select the one with which you think you need to start, not forgetting about the instructions and requirements for the texts and their design. You can save the draft at any time. When ready, click on the "Save & Send" button and move on to the next heading. If the text is returned, carefully study the editor's notes and eliminate the existing deficiencies. You can access the text using the "Edit" button.

Step 5

The company will transfer money for texts accepted from Monday to Sunday to your current account next week, usually on Wednesday. This work, of course, will not make him a billionaire. But with good working capacity and normal use of the pen, it can become a good additional and even the main source of income, comparable to the average Russian earnings of the so-called "office plankton", or even exceeding that.
