Many people, registering on free sites, do not even think about the security of their data, and then wonder where their money goes. However, this does not happen by chance, and sometimes users themselves "give" their funds to scammers. Let's take a look at some examples.
How to protect a bank card from virtual fraudsters
You get links from a stranger and don't hesitate to follow them.
You use mail when shopping on the Internet, which leads to information leakage
Hackers read your information while you buy tickets.
When you make money transactions by providing your data, you become interesting for those who will use them.
Fraudsters often send pictures with messages. As soon as the user clicks on the links, cybercriminals automatically gain access to his mail and infect the computer.
Fraudsters have a lot of tricks, so it is important to be able to protect yourself from them and not take unnecessary risks.
Scammers have learned how to intercept passwords and receive information via wi fi. Therefore, do not use open access points outdoors.
Do not set the same passwords on all accounts and social networks.
Come up with rare combinations and phrases
Use double protection in the form of SMS confirmation
Apply for a bank card, which you will use to pay via the Internet, in order to block it at any time in the event of a hack.
Always control all cash transactions on the card.
If you received a message from the bank to your mail or phone, contact the office in person to confirm the reliability of the information.
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Bank cards have become part of our life, progress does not stand still, and the safety of using the card raises a parallel issue along with their use. It can be ensured by following simple rules. Cards have a great advantage over cash, and also have a fairly large functionality
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Using bank cards can not only make life easier by eliminating the need to carry stacks of cash with you, but also make it harder if you find yourself the victim of a scam. To keep your funds with you, you should be very careful not to fall for the numerous tricks of the attackers
No one is safe from losing their savings. Constant inflation eats up stocks, interest on deposits does not cover losses. And not every bank can now invest the money earned. Some troubles always happen, then a crisis suddenly hit, then an unforeseen situation caught by surprise and had to shell out a solid amount