Virtual Credit Card - Convenience And Safety Of Payments

Virtual Credit Card - Convenience And Safety Of Payments
Virtual Credit Card - Convenience And Safety Of Payments

Last year alone, Russians spent more than half a trillion rubles on purchases in online stores. And this is despite the fact that the global network is a place where fraudsters are very active. But is it possible to somehow secure your funds while shopping online and not fall for the bait of cybercriminals? You can, if you issue a virtual credit card for these purposes.

Virtual credit card - convenience and safety of payments
Virtual credit card - convenience and safety of payments

What is a virtual credit card?

The main distinguishing feature of a virtual credit card is that the limit of available funds is determined by the cardholder independently by crediting the required amount from the main bank account. That is why the virtual card is very useful in those cases when you have already decided on the product and know its specific cost.

If online scammers are waiting for you on the site, then in the worst case they will get funds only from the virtual card, and in the best case - only a “penny” change left on the account after purchasing the goods. A virtual credit card is designed exclusively for online payments, therefore it does not have a PIN, which is required for cash withdrawals from ATMs. So, the main parameters of virtual plastic are its 16-digit number and a special 3-digit code located on the back of the card. Depending on the type of payment system in which the credit card was issued, this code has its own specific designation (CVV2 - for Visa or CVC2 - for MasterCard), but they have the same goal - to hide information about the main bank account.

A virtual credit card can be one-time or multiple-use. In the first case, the maximum card validity period does not exceed 6 months, but this time is more than enough, given that plastic is issued only for one purchase. The principle of operation of a reusable virtual card is similar to using a regular credit card, it can be replenished an unlimited number of times by non-cash through the Internet banking system or in cash through ATMs, terminals and the bank's cash desk.

How do I get a virtual credit card?

Regardless of the type of virtual card, the procedure for issuing it is the same. To do this, you must contact the branch of any bank with a corresponding statement. Or, you can leave an application for the issue of a virtual card on the official website of the credit institution in which you have a main account. Before issuing virtual plastic, think about the currency in which you plan to make online payments most often. Also, do not forget about the possible additional commissions arising from currency conversion when transferring funds from the main bank account to the virtual card account. Otherwise, it will be a shame if a few cents are not enough to buy the desired product. However, in some cases it is possible to save money on the "floating" of the exchange rate.

Some inconveniences of a reusable virtual card

Despite its many advantages, a virtual credit card has several disadvantages. The main inconvenience is that at the end of its validity period, the money remaining on the virtual card cannot be independently transferred to the main bank account; this can be done only by personally contacting the bank's office with a written application. When using a virtual card, you need to ensure that a so-called technical overdraft does not arise (when the amount of the debit transaction exceeds the amount on the account). An “unexpected” overdraft may also arise as a result of currency conversion or withholding of any bank charges.
