How To Get A Bank Loan At A Low Interest Rate

How To Get A Bank Loan At A Low Interest Rate
How To Get A Bank Loan At A Low Interest Rate

Today in Russia there is a real boom in consumer lending. However, loan rates in most cases do not please borrowers. But almost everyone has the opportunity to get a soft loan.

How to get a bank loan at a low interest rate
How to get a bank loan at a low interest rate

Today there are several ways to get loans at a low interest rate:

- take a loan from the bank where you receive your salary;

- take a target loan, the interest on which is lower than on non-target

The interest rate for targeted loans starts from 5.5-12% per annum, while for non-earmarked loans - from 15.5%.

- if you have guarantors or collateral for a loan (apartment, car, etc.);

- if you belong to preferential categories of borrowers, then some banks may provide reduced interest rates on loans.

In any case, in order to obtain a soft loan, you must have a good credit history.

Concessional loans for payroll clients

Each bank has salary clients in a privileged position, and they are provided with preferential rates on loans. The fact is that such categories of borrowers are more transparent for banks - they can see their income and assess their constancy. Banks issue loans to salary clients quite quickly and with only one document - a passport.

In order to get a loan at an even lower rate, you can attract guarantors. Also, if you have collateral in the form of a car or an apartment, you will not only receive a preferential interest, but you can also increase the loan amount.

When applying for a loan to salary clients of Sberbank, the rate is 17.5%, for comparison, on general terms - 18% -22% per year. A loan with a guarantee is issued at a rate of 15.5-17.5%

Targeted loans

If you know exactly what to spend your loan money on, then you can count on reduced loan rates. Such loans are classified as targeted. This means that the money is not handed out to you, but is immediately sent to an organization that sells goods or provides services.

These loans include car loans or educational loans. Until the end of 2013, Russia operated

preferential car loan program. According to it, citizens were provided with preferential loans for the purchase of domestic and foreign cars, worth up to 750 thousand rubles. The state compensated for the lost income from the budget to banks in the amount of 5.5%, and consumers bought a car at a rate of 9-10%. Now this program does not work, but some banks provide loans for certain car models on preferential terms. For example, Rusfinance Bank provides a loan for the purchase of Fiat cars with a rate of 6.9% or more.

Also, Russians have the opportunity to take out a loan for education on preferential terms. In particular, Sberbank provides educational loans with a rate of 5.06% under government subsidy programs.

Concessional loans for certain categories

Today, some banks have developed special credit programs for certain categories of citizens. For example, for public sector workers, military personnel or gas workers. Interest rates on such loans range from 12.5% per annum.

Such loans can be spent for any purpose, including improving housing conditions.
