Once you break the schedule for making payments on the loan, you may face the problem of obtaining a new loan. If your bad credit history is listed among the reasons for rejection, try to fix it. How to do it?

Step 1
Before contacting the bank, check your credit history by making a request at the nearest branch of the credit bureau. To do this, you need to come there in person and have your passport with you. Be aware that once a year you have the opportunity to check your credit file for free. The second application for a credit history will cost 250-500 rubles. If you find inaccuracies in the submitted data, you must contact the bank that provided incorrect information to the bureau. A bank that has admitted its mistake must correct it on its own by informing the credit bureau. If the bank does not consider that the information submitted by it is incorrect, then the credit history will have to be corrected through the court.
Step 2
Try to assure the bank of your serious intentions to repay the loan on time and in full. Prove that you have become more responsible and more serious by demonstrating timely paid utility bills, using a credit card. Provide documents confirming your high income: a certificate from the place of work, an extract from the account on which your salary is calculated. If you are able to assure the bank's managers that you have improved, they will meet you halfway and issue a new loan.
Step 3
Tell us about the circumstances that caused you to delay payments on your previous loan. If you were sick, were in the hospital - bring copies of the sick leave and a photocopy of the medical card. You can also provide documents on layoffs, delays in the payment of wages, downtime, dismissal.
Step 4
Open an account with the bank where you are going to take out a loan and top it up monthly. In about a year, you will be able to get a loan. But in no case violate your obligations again!