From time to time in life situations arise when money is urgently needed to solve any everyday problems. Some take an advance at work against future salaries, others apply for a loan at a bank, and still others prefer to ask for a loan from relatives, friends and colleagues. If you are contacted with such a request and you are ready to fulfill it, do not forget to take a well-formed receipt from the debtor.

Step 1
The most correct approach to lending money is to conclude a loan agreement indicating the amount, term, interest, passport details of the lender and the borrower. But this role may well be played by a receipt, since it meets the requirements for compliance with a simple written form.
Step 2
Of course, neither the contract nor the receipt can give guarantees of one hundred percent repayment of the debt, but you will have a real opportunity to return your money through the court. Therefore, be sure to take a written commitment to repay the loan from the borrower.
Step 3
If friends or neighbors ask for a loan, usually no one hesitates to demand a receipt, but when it comes to close friends and relatives, for some reason it is considered indecent. In fact, in monetary matters, such scrupulousness is inappropriate: life circumstances develop in different ways, it may happen that a friend or relative subsequently refuses to repay the debt, and you will have nothing to prove the validity of your claims in court.
Step 4
There are no special requirements for issuing a receipt, but make sure that it contains all the essential conditions: the loan amount in figures and words, the date of transfer of money, the repayment period, interest, surnames, names, patronymics of the borrower and lender, their passport data, registration addresses, the list of the debtor in receipt of money with its full decoding.
Step 5
The receipt serves as an important document proving the fact of transferring money into debt, so take it seriously. You should not use the first piece of newspaper that comes across for these purposes or the reverse side of an advertising leaflet - only a blank sheet of writing paper.
Step 6
It is better if the debtor writes the receipt by hand: this way it will be more difficult for him later to renounce the authorship. Check its content, pay attention to the correspondence of the passport data to the original document.
Step 7
You can involve witnesses in the preparation of the receipt, who, with their signatures on it, will record the fact of the transfer of money. But the most optimal way out is to conclude a transaction in the presence of a notary: a receipt certified by him will not leave the borrower with the opportunity to evade the debt repayment, referring to temporary loss of memory, reason, signing a document under pressure and threats, in a state of alcoholic intoxication, etc. Therefore, when borrowing a large amount, contact the services of a notary.