There is a category of people who constantly ask for a loan. Often these are relatives. It is difficult to refuse them due to blood ties, but it is no longer possible to continue giving money. However, you need to learn to refuse them.

Some relatives ask for a loan so often that it gets boring. It's time to learn how to refuse them and not lend them money.
Refuse directly
You can directly refuse relatives. This is the most honest way, but it can make your relationship worse. If you notice a chill between you, don't worry. This person is not worth worrying about. He values money much more than his loved ones. If he is not ashamed to do this regularly, then your conscience should also be clear.
No money
Telling the asking relative that there is no money is not a bad option. At the same time, it can be emphasized that you bought some expensive thing or paid for a loan and yourself borrowed from someone, so you will definitely not have money in the coming months. This will discourage a relative from going to you for money at least for a year.
No money all the time
If relatives constantly complain about the lack of money, then they will not ask for a loan. At the same time, we can say that wages are delayed at work, lost a wallet with a large sum, paid for utilities a year in advance, lent someone else. They may not believe all these fables, but they will know that you will no longer give them money, and will no longer bother you about this.
Create a legend that now you give money only at interest, because you need to pay for the treatment of your grandmother, your daughter's studies, your husband's car, or something else. There is a catastrophic lack of money, so the small amount that you have is supposedly giving away at high interest rates. After such statements, relatives are unlikely to want to ask you for a loan. The only caveat is that it is advisable to tell this story, as it were, by the way, even before they come to you for money. This will save you from intruders.
You already roughly know when people may come to you to ask for money. Go to these people and borrow money from them yourself, and then delay a little with the return. Do this several times. This will make your relatives think hard next time before contacting you.
I will not borrow anyone else
Come up with a story that you borrowed money from someone, and now you yourself need it. Resent loudly and emotionally. Say that you will never do such a stupid thing again - to borrow money from someone. Motivate by the fact that now is a hard life, nobody cares for anyone.
All of these methods are good. Don't bother annoying relatives. But know, their help you too may ever need. Therefore, refusing, try not to offend them.