In everyday life, people repeatedly find themselves in a situation where close relatives or good acquaintances ask for a loan of a certain amount of money. Faced with such a request, no one is in a hurry to answer. And this is understandable - everyone earns for their own needs, and not for someone else. Money is such an "object" that, having taken a loan, for some reason they are not in a hurry to give it back, or even do not return it at all.

Some rules for borrowing money
There are several rules for borrowing money. If you stick to them, the chances of getting a refund increase several times.
Borrow only those people in whom you are 100% sure. The circle of such people is not very large.
There is a certain amount of money that you can lend without fear of losing it. No matter how bitter it may sound, it is better to lose a certain amount than to lose human relations, since not everything in life is measured in monetary terms.
You are not required to lend when asked to. If you politely refuse, it is your right, because you yourself counted on these savings.
Ask the borrower for what purposes the money is being borrowed and for how long. If a person asks in an emergency, this is one question, but if “for the fifth fur coat for his wife” - refuse, referring to the lack of extra money at the moment, and correctly hint that there will be no excessive receipts in the next six months.
And the last rule: if you are asked to borrow a large amount of money, you need to ask the question: why you cannot take this amount from the bank. To date, it is not difficult to take out a bank loan on good terms. And if a person did not go to the bank for a large amount, it means that he will not be able to repay the debt. This should be a wake-up call.
Reasons for not returning money
It is impossible to unequivocally name the reasons for the non-return of money, since there are a huge number of factors. There are several main ones:
1. The debtor is in a deep financial "hole", and he sees no way to get out of it, except to borrow more. After lending money to such a person, forget about the debt - you will not get it back.
2. The person has so much debt that he forgot to repay your loan. In this case, repeated correct reminder of the debt repayment will lead to a positive result. Whether to re-borrow such a person is up to you.
3. Circumstances have developed in such a way that the debtor simply could not repay the debt on time. But as soon as possible, he will return the money to you with an apology.
4. The most unpleasant reason is that they were not going to return the money to you. You were simply deceived. Taking advantage of your personal disposition, you were robbed, and you gave the money voluntarily.
Whether to borrow money or not is up to you. But if you decide to refuse, do it correctly, because it is not known how life will turn out and what will happen in an hour. You may have to seek help.