Agreeing to help out a friend or acquaintance in a difficult moment and provide financial support, few people think about the opportunity to receive, instead of gratitude and a full calculation, delays in the payment of debt and damaged relationships. And this, according to the statistics of judicial practice, happens quite often. In fact, when passions are boiling, indignation at the behavior of the debtor requires a way out and you want to take radical measures to repay the debt, how can you continue to communicate with him?

Step 1
First of all, calmly ponder the current situation and adopt a certain strategy of behavior in relations with the debtor, which you will strictly adhere to. Define your goals. In this case, it is the repayment of the debt, not the maintenance or destruction of the relationship. Here you should remember that the Law is on your side, and as a last resort, you can always go to court to protect your interests. But, this way does not always guarantee the return of the debt. Therefore, you should try to solve the problem peacefully.
Step 2
Tune in to maintain a business tone in the conversation, considering the importance of the transaction under discussion. Requests to the debtor for timely settlement are not constructive and can easily be rejected by him. Threats and demonstrations of force will allow your interlocutor to refuse to discuss the current situation altogether. Therefore, you must be determined, but also show respect to the person in a difficult situation, letting him know that you are ready to negotiate.
Step 3
Make an appointment with him, so it will be easier for you to agree. Because on the phone it is easiest to get a refusal from the discussion and hear a lot of excuses.
Step 4
When meeting, adhere to the chosen line of conduct. Listen to the arguments of the debtor, which he will try to cite in his defense. Express your understanding of its difficulties, but be persistent in your requirements, set precise return dates and communicate your intentions, if they are missed, go to court for enforcement. Believe me, this behavior of yours is more likely to help you achieve your goal. Because the fear caused by your indignation and threats can only force the debtor to go to the endless game of hide and seek. And excessive kindness and understanding will give you a reason to brush you off without feeling any remorse.