How To Fill In Consignment Notes

How To Fill In Consignment Notes
How To Fill In Consignment Notes

Table of contents:


The waybill is an official accompanying document used in the transportation of goods by road transport companies. Filling it incorrectly can lead to problems with the regulatory authorities.

How to fill in consignment notes
How to fill in consignment notes


Step 1

In general, the TTN is filled in by three parties - the consignor, the carrier and the consignee. Each of them must fill in the corresponding lines of the document as correctly as possible.

Even before loading the vehicle, the consignor enters his details into the document, indicates the date of filling and assigns a number to the document.

Step 2

In addition, the following fields are filled in by the consignor: the name of the consignee, consignor and payer, as well as all their details.

Step 3

Next, the table of the transported goods is filled in, indicating the name of the goods, quantity, price, unit of measure, etc. The total quantity of goods, their total amount and the total amount to be paid (in words) are also indicated.

Step 4

If for the posting of goods it is necessary to indicate additional characteristics, then the TTN must be accompanied by the relevant documents.

Step 5

Based on the "Waybill", it is also necessary to fill in the data of the carrier, if several flights are required to carry out the transportation, then their number is indicated in the appropriate field.

Step 6

The document is certified by the signature of the person responsible for the shipment of the goods, as well as the signature of the chief accountant.

At the end, it is necessary to fill in the fields in the sections "Goods were released" and "Goods accepted for carriage".

Step 7

The consignee fills in the following fields:

• The organization carrying out unloading work, the start and end times of unloading, • The driver certifies by signature the fact of delivery of the cargo and its transfer to the consignee,

• The data of the person who accepted the cargo is filled in, the receipt of the cargo by the consignee is recorded by its stamp.

Step 8

In the event of a discrepancy between the data specified in the TTN, the actually delivered cargo, the consignee draws up an act for the subsequent presentation of claims to the supplier.

The consignor and consignee are solely responsible for the correct preparation of the consignment note. TTN is drawn up in four copies.

Step 9

When filling out the TTN, the carrier must indicate: the distance over which the cargo was transported, the freight forwarding code, the amount charged to the driver for the work done, etc.

If the driver is involved in loading and unloading cargo, then this work must be reflected in the agreement between the carrier and the consignor (consignee) and paid separately.

After the driver receives the completed documents on the loading and unloading of the goods, the transportation process is considered complete.
