When transporting by road, a bill of lading is drawn up for the cargo. From 25.07.2011 its new form is in effect, which replaced the previously valid consignment note 1-T.

Step 1
The new form of the bill of lading does not contain a commodity section and looks different than the commodity-transport one familiar to accountants. It is issued for one or several consignments of goods according to the number of vehicles involved in the transportation, that is, for each vehicle.
Step 2
The bill of lading form is drawn up in such a way that it is filled in by all participants in the carriage of goods. But initially it is still written out by the shipper.
Step 3
Indicate the date and number of the application for the carriage of goods. Enter the full name, address of the location of your shipping company, last name, first name, patronymic and contact phone number of the employee responsible for transportation. Fill in the same data for the consignee.
Step 4
Then write the name of the cargo, its condition, number of pieces, marking, packing method and type of container, weight of packages, their overall dimensions (height, length, width), volume in cubic meters. Please note that the price and value of the goods are not reflected in the new invoice. If you have certificates, quality passports and other mandatory documents, please make a note in the "Accompanying documents" section.
Step 5
Further, in the paragraph "Shipper's instructions", describe the parameters of the vehicle required for the carriage of goods (carrying capacity, type, brand, capacity, etc.), sanitary, quarantine, customs requirements, recommendations on the temperature regime of transportation, delivery deadlines, information on locking and sealing devices. Indicate the declared value of the shipment.
Step 6
In the section "Acceptance of cargo" and "Delivery of cargo" indicate the planned date and time of delivery of vehicles, addresses of loading and unloading. Record the actual date and time of arrival of the vehicle.
Step 7
The clauses of the consignment note on the conditions of carriage, the carrier, the vehicle, reservations and comments, other conditions, the cost of services and the procedure for calculating the carriage charge shall be filled in by the carrier.
Step 8
Print the bill of lading in 3 copies for each of the participants in the carriage: shipper, carrier and consignee. Sign the invoice with the head of your company or an employee who is entrusted with the right to sign financial and business documents, put the date of the statement and the company seal.