After summing up the balance sheet, it is necessary to draw up an explanatory note that will reflect the entered information and information about the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. This document is filled out on the basis of the requirements specified in clause 4 of article 13 of the Federal Law No. 129-FZ of November 21, 1996.

Step 1
Develop the structure and procedure for providing information in the explanatory note to the balance sheet. The fact is that there is no standard form for this document, so it should be adopted at the enterprise in the form that best discloses information about the enterprise.
Step 2
Start by specifying your business details. In clause 13 of PBU 4/99, it is noted that the legal address of the company, the main types of activities, the average annual number of employees, as well as the position and name of the members of the control and executive bodies of the company must be indicated. If there are subsidiaries and dependent organizations, then their address and type of activity are also noted. If the company is a joint stock company, then information on issued and paid shares is disclosed.
Step 3
Provide information on accounting policies. Explain the methods of accounting, and also explain any deviations from the rules that were used in the enterprise.
Step 4
Please provide details of the individual assets and liabilities. These include fixed assets, inventories, intangible assets, tax and credit liabilities and financial investments.
Step 5
Disclose information about the income and expenses of the enterprise. It contains information on sales volumes by type of activity and sales markets, deciphers the composition of other expenses and income, and also provides data on emergency situations of economic activity.
Step 6
Please provide other information that influenced the activities of the company in the reporting period. After that, it is necessary to analyze the financial condition of the organization. Mark the main performance indicators, provide a brief description and indicate the factors that influenced the financial result.