How To Sell A Car On Credit

How To Sell A Car On Credit
How To Sell A Car On Credit

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When selling a car, we often face such a situation that a buyer can buy a car only on credit. If there are simply no buyers willing to pay in cash, it is wiser to agree to these conditions. Consider two ways to sell a used car on credit.

How to sell a car on credit
How to sell a car on credit


Step 1

The first way is to conclude an agreement with the buyer for the sale of a car in installments for, say, a year. Every month, the buyer will have to transfer a certain amount to you. If he is late in payment, then penalties will have to go. A similar contract for the sale of a car in installments can be drawn up in any notary office or law office. In this case, it is imperative to conclude an agreement on the sale of a car in installments in accordance with the procedure established by law in order to avoid all sorts of unpleasant moments in the event that the buyer of your car does not behave properly.

Step 2

The second option is to ask the buyer of your car to take out a bank loan and pay you when buying a car in full. It is most profitable for you to offer this option to the buyer, since in this case you will immediately receive all the money, and the car buyer will then settle accounts with the bank. But, it should be borne in mind that in this option you will most likely have to slightly lower the price of the car, since the buyer will have to pay with the bank with interest. The discount can range from 50% to 100% of the bank's lending rate.
