There are more and more shopping centers in Moscow, new brands of women's clothing appear on the market. Therefore, before those wishing to enter this market, it is important to withstand very tough competition in order to sell clothes successfully. There are two main ways to sell clothes: regular stores and online stores. It is important to choose a method that is more suitable for your particular brand of clothing, as well as conduct a competent advertising campaign.

Step 1
Most women prefer to buy clothes in regular stores and shopping centers, rather than online: in shopping centers, as a rule, there is a fairly large selection, clothes can be examined, quality checked, immediately tried on and a purchase decision made. Online stores do not provide this option, although their products can always be returned. Their services are often used by business women who do not have time to buy things (except for those who wear top brands of clothing), and the younger generation, for whom shopping via the Internet is more accustomed to going to the store. Therefore, when deciding how to more efficiently sell clothes of your particular brand, it is worth understanding how it is more convenient to purchase clothes for your clients.
Step 2
Trading through online stores has a big advantage - there is no need to pay for a more or less large premises for a store and hire sellers. To organize trade via the Internet, you only need a website, a small room for a warehouse (at first, store owners keep the goods at home), an operator who will take orders, and a courier who will deliver clothes to clients. Thus, this method is less expensive. However, its effectiveness may be lower overall, as your clients will simply not be ready to buy clothes online. A smooth transition from online sales to sales in brick-and-mortar stores can be a good option: you will establish yourself on the Internet and find regular customers.
Step 3
Advertising is known to be the engine of commerce. Whatever women's clothing you sell, whoever your clients are, your store needs advertising, otherwise no one will know anything about it. An online store needs website advertising on the Internet: banners, links on women's forums and in communities, promotion in social networks. A regular store can use the same methods, but it can be advertised simply in the city (in the subway, at stops, etc.) and in women's magazines. It hardly makes sense to advertise an online store in this way, because a potential client may simply not remember the address of your site. Recently, stores have been effectively selling their products using special discount coupons that allow you to immediately attract a large number of customers to your store.