How To Sell If You Don't Want To Buy

How To Sell If You Don't Want To Buy
How To Sell If You Don't Want To Buy

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What to do if you have produced a product and they do not want to buy it. How to attract buyers if they don't want to buy? Below are the rules and examples of how successful managers can use them.

how to sell
how to sell


Step 1

The first rule says: "Show visible flaws as unique properties", let's look at this rule using the example of James Young.

When a young engineer named James Young came to the mailing firm J Walter Thompson, he was given a difficult assignment. It was necessary to send out a batch of apples, which were blackened by frost. He instantly figured out how to sell the product, simply accompanied the batch with a note, which said that the apples grew in the mountains. And with very sharp temperature changes. So they retained their juiciness and sweetness. Nobody returned a batch of spoiled apples, but on the contrary asked to send them the same one next time.

Step 2

Strike your eye, take a look at 3Suisses as an example.

Back in 1931, the first catalogs were invented, through which it was possible to order goods. They were sold in bookstores. Publisher 3Suisses wondered how to sell exactly his catalog? A way out was found in reducing the format of the catalog, due to this, the sellers put it on top of the others so that the stack would not fall apart, and the buyer, as a rule, always took the top one.

Step 3

Benefit from your own mistakes, like Harley Procter.

He inherited the soap business from his father, but at that time people were reluctant to buy soap. And then one day, accidentally digesting it, Harley noticed that it became whiter, lighter and did not sink in water. This became his feature, all the housewives rushed to buy such soap, because they were tired of catching slippery remnants at the bottom of the bath. This mistake earned Harley $ 7 million.

Step 4

The appearance of caring for people, as Spinach Can did.

How to sell spinach when people just don't want to eat it. The company got out of this situation as follows: handed the spinach into the hands of the cartoon character, the pop-eyed sailor Papaya, the idol of all children. The success was colossal.

Step 5

Brainstorm Like Bruce Barton

In 1957, the American company Henckels created unique knives for peeling potatoes. They were comfortable and not dull, so the housewives were in no hurry for new ones. However, when the firm was already on the verge of bankruptcy, they had to seek advice from Bruce and his advertising agency. He advised them to paint the handle of the knife the color of the potato peel, so housewives started throwing them into the bucket by mistake and going for new knives.

Step 6

Survey shoppers like Ettore Sottsass.

His first assignment was to redesign poorly selling mechanical alarm clocks. He noticed that all people test him for weight before buying. Their lungs did not inspire confidence in them. The solution was found in the fact that he soldered a lead ingot into the alarm clock.
