The ability to invite to the network business is the key to success in this type of activity. How many people want to cooperate with you depends on how you tell about the company.

Step 1
First of all, start inviting people you know. It will be easier for you to communicate with them, and you will train your skills in inviting other people to the business. Bring your mentor with you to your first meetings. He will help you to elaborate on the opportunities of working in the company, and also teach you how to overcome objections.
Step 2
Write down a list of everyone you know. It can be not only those people with whom you communicate, but also those with whom you meet on the way to work, ride in the same minibus, etc. Add a phone number next to the names, if you know. Then start calling. Information can be open, when you immediately say that you want to meet and talk about cooperation in a network company, or closed, when you only intrigue a friend, but do not say what will be discussed during the meeting.
Step 3
Depending on how close the person is to you, the phrases for conversation may be different. For example, offer to meet to get advice about a job for you, or if the person is in financial difficulties, tell them that you have an interesting offer for them. You can also invite a friend to your place for tea, but having warned in advance that you want to discuss something with him.
Step 4
During the meeting, tell us about the company, why you chose it and about the principles of building a business. Speak confidently and smile. Don't be unfounded. Show a printout of your earnings if you've already achieved some success. Videos, films, books - everything will help you inspire a person to work in this company. At the end of the meeting, be sure to find out if the interlocutor still has questions, and also listen to his opinion about this work. Don't rush the person to make a decision right away.
Step 5
The next meeting is recommended in 24-48 hours. At this time, the person will think over the information received well, perhaps questions will arise. During the second meeting, repeat the basic principles of work to a friend so that the information is better absorbed.
Step 6
Be prepared for the fact that not all of your acquaintances will want to join your company. You can agree that they will be your regular customers, and you will sell them products at a discount. In addition to those you know, ask your spouse or parents to write lists of their loved ones and friends.
Step 7
As soon as you have worked with acquaintances, and you already have some success in building the structure, you have experience in conducting presentations of the network business, you can proceed to work in the "cold market", that is, with strangers. For this, you can use flyers, advertisements in newspapers with a job offer. Information can also be open, indicating the company, or closed, when only at a meeting with you a person learns about the principles of work. Or make new acquaintances at the clinic, hairdresser, playground, etc.
Step 8
Some people mistrust network companies and often refuse to listen to information. Firstly, this may be due to the fact that a person first encounters network marketing, and once heard unpleasant responses about financial pyramids from friends. Secondly, your interlocutor may have become a victim of scammers, joining the company, investing a lot of money, and as a result was left with nothing. Your task is to remove the negativity. Agree that there are pyramid schemes, but you need to be able to distinguish them from honest network companies. Don't argue with your interlocutor. This will make you even more angry and unwilling to listen to you. Use your personal experience. Tell us why you came to this company, what are its advantages. Some large network companies have no down payment. Emphasize this. The interlocutor will have information about your company and will know that it is legal. Perhaps next time she will be able to distinguish scammers from an honest firm.