The iPhone company is very popular in the modern world. The secret of success lies not only in quality and advanced technologies, but also in the company's image. He is surrounded by myths, but many facts are more surprising than any fiction.

Facts about the creation and history of the company
Everyone knows the Apple logo - the bitten off apple of knowledge. In fact, the first was not this multi-colored apple at all. The original symbol was Isaac Newton, who sits under an apple tree - a reference to the legend of Sir Isaac's discovery of the force of gravity. This logo was drawn by one of the three founders of Apple - Ronald Wayne. In the early days of the company, Wayne resold his shares to Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak for just $ 800. Now they cost a fortune - $ 22 billion.
The logo was rejected because it was too detailed. In a condensed form, it looked very bad on the company's products. In 1976, it was replaced by the famous rainbow apple, designed by Rob Yanoff. In 1998, it was replaced by a one-color version.
The first orders for the Apple I were raised with money raised from the sale of Steve Jobs's van and an engineering calculator, which at the time was worth a whopping $ 500.
Even then, Apple I was not cheap. Adjusted for inflation, in terms of current prices, the first computer will be more expensive than today's MacBook Pros. And the specific price of this computer is $ 666 and 66 cents. Wozniak was fond of repeating numbers, so he rounded the $ 667 to 666.66.
Technologies and features
The first Apple Macintosh had an Egyptian font that included the now famous "dogoborova". After the abolition of the font, this entire symbol moved to LaserWriter Driver 4.0 and became something of a mascot for Apple's techies.
Sobakorova, who also has a name - Clarus, was created by Susan Carey. Until OS X, this dog existed on all versions of the Mac operating system.
Steve Jobs named the Apple Lisa computer after his daughter. The origin of the name Macintosh is also interesting. The name was given in honor of a favorite apple variety and was invented by employee Jeff Raskin - and here the creators did not leave the topic of apples.
It was Apple that made the first color soap box. She appeared in the United States in 1994. Made it by Apple. The Apple QuickTale 100 can take up to 8 photos. She connected to the Mac via a serial cable. The camera was quite expensive - about $ 749. Or almost $ 1,000 in current terms. At the same time, it did not have a display, and the ridiculous extension was only 1 megapixel. There was no question of filming a video.
When Steve Jobs came to power in the company in 1997, the project for the production of digital cameras was closed.
The iPod was named after the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. The new device needed a sonorous, loud name. To do this, Steve Jobs has assembled a whole team of copywriters. Among them was the author of iPoda, whose name was Vinnie Chico.
Steve Jobs was rumored to have a motto for the apple MP3 player: "1000 songs in your pocket." Thus, nothing limited the imagination of copywriters, they were not tied to musical themes.
When Chico saw Apple's white iPod, he immediately remembered the 2001 Space Odyssey movie. The way the computer and music player interacted reminded him of the interaction of a spaceship and an escape pod. In this movie, she is called the EVA pod. After that, it remains only to add i to the beginning.
In this first iPode, the developers hid a little secret - an Easter egg. This is a game that you can get into by typing a certain combination of buttons. This is how Nick Triano describes it in a review on "Go to the 'About' menu, hold down the center button and hold for three seconds - then you can listen to music and play Breakout."
It was this game that caused the quarrel between Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, the future creators of the iphone. They were working on it together at Atari when Jobs tricked a colleague into hiding a thousand dollar royalties for the work.
The mysterious name Johnny Afflesed has surfaced repeatedly in Apple history. There is no official explanation for this phenomenon. That was the name of an American missionary, a gardener who was very fond of growing apples - that's, in fact, all that connects him with the Apple corporation. The first mention of this name in Apple history refers to an investor and former CEO. He used this pseudonym when writing programs for the Apple II. The famous letter from the advertisement with the English slogan "Think Different" is signed by the same name.