Fixed assets (used in production or for management needs for more than a year) are an important part of the company's assets. During operation, they wear out and the funds lost in this way must be replenished. The source of financing for the reproduction of fixed assets is depreciation charges.

Step 1
The term "depreciation charges" is used in tax and accounting. Each of them provides several methods for calculating depreciation charges: tax accounting - linear and non-linear approaches, accounting? the method of writing off the value according to the sum of the number of years of the useful life, the method of decreasing balance, the method of writing off the value in proportion to the volume of production and the linear method. For some of these approaches, it is necessary to calculate the depreciation rate (measured as a percentage).
Step 2
In the linear calculation of depreciation, 100 should be divided by the useful life of the object (100 / n), in the non-linear calculation, the first digit in the formula is replaced by 200 (200 / n).
Step 3
The organization determines the specific useful life of the object (measured in months) on its own, based on several factors: regulatory restrictions on use, the expected life (depending on the power of application and expected productivity), as well as the expected physical wear and tear (depends on natural conditions and operating mode).
Step 4
As the main regulatory legal act that determines the useful life, we can name the "Government Ordinance on the Classification of Fixed Assets", which sets the service life for objects depending on their belonging to one of ten groups.