How To Start A Trucking Business From Scratch

How To Start A Trucking Business From Scratch
How To Start A Trucking Business From Scratch

The constantly changing market, crises replacing each other, the closure of enterprises forces initiative people to look for new opportunities for earning money. It is quite possible to organize a trucking business from scratch. This market is very promising, the services of logisticians are always in demand.

zanjat'sja gruzoperevozkami
zanjat'sja gruzoperevozkami

Types of cargo transportation

The rapidly developing network marketing market leads to a rapid growth in the number of enterprises and organizations involved in the transportation of goods. Despite the great competition, with the right approach to organizing business, even a beginner will be able to occupy his niche here and make good profits. Of course, any business is a rather risky business, so it is very important to approach the organization of a cargo transportation business creatively and extremely responsibly, assess your commercial abilities, opportunities for development, find funds for start-up capital and draw up a competent cargo transportation business plan.

The most profitable type of business is cargo transportation, the prices for which are much higher than the market average, these include international and intercity flights. However, it is very difficult to organize such a business from scratch - the higher the prices for cargo transportation, the more stringent the requirements and technical conditions for the company and the documentation for the technical device. For a beginner individual entrepreneur, it is better to start small - to organize a cargo transportation business on the Gazelle in your city.

Services for the transportation of furniture, goods for shops are quite in demand, while they do not require large investments. It will be quite enough to have one or two Gazelles, find a dispatcher to collect applications, a driver, and you can start working. However, it is still advisable to draw up a business plan for cargo transportation, which will include all overhead costs - this will allow you not to work at a loss.


Before taking up cargo transportation closely, you need to issue a certificate at the tax authority for the right to engage in this type of activity - otherwise the activity will be considered illegal, this threatens with major troubles. It will be necessary to prepare and refer to the IFTS the following documents:

  • write a statement in the prescribed form;
  • pay the state fee;
  • attach TIN, passport and receipt of payment.

The application should be given against receipt to the inspector of the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service. A ready-made OGRN certificate can be obtained in 5 working days by presenting a receipt. This document serves as the basis for getting started.

Reports and statistics

Then you will need to open a current account and register with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund, as an employer - in the event that it is planned to attract employees. The same funds will have to submit quarterly reports on the payment of insurance premiums. To start shipping inexpensively in Moscow or any other city, these documents are enough. All that remains is to find clients and work diligently, offering quality services.

International cargo transportation: what you need to organize

If a company wants to enter the international market, it must obtain an appropriate license from the Ministry of Transport of its region. To do this, you need to attach documents for the compliance of technical equipment with existing standards and the proper qualifications of the service personnel.

What to look for before starting a trucking business

  1. To begin with, you should analyze the market, assess its potential and the ability to find your client, find out the average market prices for cargo transportation.
  2. Having solved the primary task, it is advisable to get to know the firms-future competitors better - it is quite possible that they have their own "chips" that may be useful to you: they offer low-cost cargo transportation, provide additional service, they are distinguished by high quality.
  3. With a favorable set of circumstances, their clients may well become yours - this will be possible with the right advertising policy, significant business acumen and victory in the competition. To do this, it is necessary to carefully analyze the work of similar companies.

Word of mouth and fair competition

Of course, the opportunities for the active development of the cargo transportation business (as well as the commercial capabilities and financial capabilities) are different for everyone, and simple copying of ideas will be ineffective and inappropriate here. In addition, honesty and integrity play a major role in relation to customers at all times. The rumor about dishonesty of the company in relation to customers and competitors will spread very quickly among interested parties - this will cause distrust, and as a result - an outflow of clientele, even if you offer dumping prices for your cargo transportation.

Large companies always value the reviews of their partners and customers - this is a significant factor that cannot be disregarded. It is word of mouth that is recognized as the most effective advertising, which is why the opinion of the first client is so important - you need him to be satisfied and recommend your company to his friends. For this, you can conduct a start-up campaign by offering the first customers substantial discounts, inexpensive cargo transportation, additional services for loading and unloading, etc. At first, it is quite possible to submit private advertisements to newspapers with an offer of your services, in the future you can create a website with an offer of your services and customer reviews.
