Many people in Russia and Ukraine prefer to keep their savings in dollars, considering this monetary unit to be more stable than their national currencies. When leaving Ukraine abroad, it also makes sense to buy dollars for hryvnia in Ukraine, since in other countries it may not be possible to exchange hryvnia.

It is necessary
The exchange rate of the hryvnia to the dollar, internet access
Step 1
To begin with, it should be noted that the exact transfer of the amount of money from one currency to another cannot be carried out through any third currency. For example, if you know the exchange rate of the hryvnia to the Russian ruble and the exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar, then it is quite logical to first convert the hryvnia to rubles, and then rubles to dollars. However, as already mentioned, such a transfer is not accurate. A transfer through a third currency, and even then not in all cases, can be used only for a rough estimate in the absence of access to the direct exchange rate between the two currencies.
Step 2
However, if you have access to the exchange rate, you should use it. In Ukraine, the hryvnia to dollar exchange rate for the current day can be found on the main page of the website of the National Bank of Ukraine - For example, $ 100 costs UAH 797. Then 1 US dollar is worth 797/100 = 7, 97 hryvnia. To convert hryvnias into dollars, the amount in hryvnia must be divided by 7, 97 to get the amount in dollars
Step 3
The dollar exchange rate set in other banks and exchange offices may differ from the rate of the National Bank. To find out the dollar rates of commercial banks, you either need to go to their official websites, or look at the website, which displays the exchange rates of commercial banks.