The money issue is a very important component of our life, without money we can no longer imagine our society. But our ancestors also knew little secrets for attracting and preserving capital and used them successfully.

Learn the most popular "money" signs and test them in action!
First, your bills need storage space. That is, you need to choose the right wallet. Here's what the signs say about this: the wallet should never be empty, leave at least a coin in it.
Create your "unchangeable penny". To do this, choose any coin and carry it for years in your wallet, according to beliefs, it will attract money. All signs are unanimously in favor of a red wallet or purse, it attracts cash.
Secondly, to make money want to come to you, keep the house in order. Repair faulty plumbing immediately, otherwise money will flow away like water. Never use your hand to remove crumbs from the table, use a sponge. And of course, in no case whistle in the house.
Third, the stars will predict profit. The multi-star evening ahead of the deal portends good fortune. To attract money, you need to show it to a young growing month and ask for more.
General rules:
- do not count money for the night;
- never say that money is "last", that it is not enough;
- do not cheat with money, do not cheat, what came dishonestly will bring a double loss.
Advice: you need to blow a little on the first bill received with a salary and look through it into the light. This way money is spent more slowly and arrives faster.