Wisdom from all over the world is that inexhaustible source of data on attracting money, which is a sin not to use. Of course, it is naive to believe that a little knowledge of Feng Shui and everyday signs will allow you to put together a multimillion-dollar capital overnight, but making a family a little richer is quite a feasible task.

The economic conditions of all civilizations forced humanity to find new ways to attract money. The most reliable and effective of the techniques have survived to this day, which is already the reason for their use.
The oriental art of home furnishing Feng Shui has a serious arsenal of methods for attracting money. One of them is the obligatory decoration of the dining table. It should always be in order - without crumbs and dirty spots. To attract wealth, it will not be superfluous to have a white or cream-colored tablecloth. The more expensive this interior attribute is, the better. In addition, a large banknote should be kept under it. But there is no place for dirty and empty dishes on the dining table. Instead of it, you should arrange vases with sweets, fruits of yellow and red shades.
From eastern wisdom, we move on to European traditions, which say that money is found in the house where it is expected. This phrase should be interpreted as follows: if a person thinks like a poor man, then he will remain so. Prosperity settles in the house where truly royal order reigns. Chaos, chaos and filth are attributes of poverty, which should be abandoned without regret. And excuses in the style: "I work a lot, so I have no time to keep order" in this case do not mean anything. Old things that have been stored in the cluttered corners of the house for years should be thrown away immediately so that new ones can take their place.
Perhaps one of the most authoritative in the matter of attracting wealth can be considered the advice of Jewish sages. They prescribe to pay special attention to what the money is kept in. It is necessary to have a box in the house where money for household needs is kept. Many have such boxes, but most often they are containers for storing small things. Large bills should be in special boxes and it is desirable that, as money is spent, money remains in them, and the box is always filled with something. The optimal material for this box is dark wood or steel. In Israel, to this day, special attention is paid to symbolism, therefore, most often on such caskets, the symbol of a straight pentagram in a circle is applied. They say that this way money can be increased and kept in the house.
Another piece of advice has already come from modern times, but has already gained some popularity. This technique is called the "magic bill". To do this, it is necessary to add at least six zeros to the figure on a low denomination banknote. This astronomical bill should be folded in four and placed in a secret pocket in your wallet. Of course, it is impossible to part with it and even more - from time to time it should be taken out and examined.
No matter how intricate and unconvincing at first glance the advice on attracting wealth may seem, whether it works or not, you have to experience it yourself. And there are a lot of people who have tested the wisdom of their ancestors in practice, and besides, many of them assure that observance of omens is a really effective way in accumulating wealth.