Not a single student will refuse to earn extra money. An easy way to replenish your pocket is to sell self-written term papers and abstracts. After all, all year round they have to be written in a wide variety of subjects.

Step 1
First, you will need your ready-made coursework electronically. Register on several sites (the more, the better), which are engaged in the resale of such works. There are just countless such sites now - read carefully their conditions and requirements and choose the most suitable options for yourself.
Step 2
Then, using the login and password sent to your e-mail box, log in to the site and upload the term papers that you want to sell. Such sites consider the WebMoney service to be the most frequent method of payment with users. So don't forget to get yourself an electronic wallet there. When working with some sites, you may need a Yandex-money wallet. It is possible that there are Internet portals that will be able to make all payments to your savings account or bank card.
Step 3
You will learn about the purchase of your work in the Personal Account of the site. Payments to your e-wallet are made within a couple of days. In case of any difficulties, you can contact the administration of the Internet service.
Step 4
If you do not want to share the percentage of sales with some of the sites, then look for a buyer yourself. Session time is considered an excellent selling period. Try selling coursework to undergraduates or offering it through social media and various forums.
Step 5
Talk to the buyer about the teacher's requirements for sources and links, as well as the cost of the work. Of course, it will go up if you have to add additional footnotes and sources of specific authors.
Step 6
Be patient, do not expect that on the first day all your term papers will be bought by several people at once. But a pleasant surprise in the form of selling your work will definitely raise your spirits and enrich you someday.