How To Exchange Change For Paper Money

How To Exchange Change For Paper Money
How To Exchange Change For Paper Money

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Many houses have piggy banks where small coins have been collected for years. Over time, quite decent sums accumulate in this way. There are several ways to exchange them for paper banknotes, however, it takes a lot of work to do this.

How to exchange change for paper money
How to exchange change for paper money

It is necessary

  • - metal coins;
  • - a few small bags;
  • - passport;
  • - information about the location of the nearest bank office.


Step 1

First of all, you need to determine how much you have at your disposal. Count the coins you have at home in advance in order to know exactly how much you will receive after the exchange.

Step 2

The fastest and easiest way to exchange small change for bills is to take them to the nearest grocery store or stall and invite the sellers to take the change for exchange. It is best to do this at the beginning of the working day, while there are still few coins at the cash register and there are no visitors in the store. In this case, almost any seller will gladly exchange 100-200 rubles for you small change.

Step 3

If you have accumulated coins for a more significant amount, you can get rid of them in the bank. You can check with the cashier of any credit institution if it provides a money exchange service. Most often, a commission is charged for the exchange of banknotes and coins, the value of which is 0.5-3% of the amount. At the same time, only solvent coins will be immediately accepted from you. The bank will take a bent or damaged small change for examination, and the money for it will be credited to your account after verifying their authenticity. By the way, do not forget to take your passport to the bank, without it you will not be able to exchange money.

Step 4

If you do not want to pay a commission for the exchange and counting of coins, ask the operator to make a cash receipt order to replenish your account or plastic card. The cashier will accept any amount of small change from you for free, the money will be credited to the card or deposit, and then you can withdraw them in the form of bills.

Step 5

There is another exchange option: in some cities there are special machines that accept change without commission. It works like this: coins are poured into a special tray and counted. After that, the machine issues a check, the money for which can be received at the cash desk.
