If water meters are not installed in the apartment, payment for water is made according to the number of registered residents and the consumption standard. For Moscow, it is 10, 747 cubic meters per person per month, of which 6, 381 cubic meters of cold and 4, 366 cubic meters of hot water. Practice shows that this standard is overestimated. Apartment metering devices can reduce costs by more than 2 times. After installing the meters, the water charge is calculated as follows.

Step 1
Take readings of water meters. Most of the apartments are equipped with mechanical devices with a drum mechanism. Depending on the model, four or five black digits to the left of the decimal point are visible in the slots. They mean whole cubic meters. Two or three red numbers to the right of the decimal point are tenths, hundredths and thousandths of a cubic meter. Write down the number and round to the nearest whole. Subtract from it the previous readings taken a month ago. You will receive the water consumption in cubic meters.
Step 2
If the apartment has several cold water meters (two or more), determine the flow rate for each of them, and add the resulting figures. The total consumption is calculated in the same way if there are several hot water meters.
Step 3
Transfer this data to the accounting department of the management company or the settlement center in person, by phone, e-mail or via the Internet. They will be entered in the appropriate columns of the payment document and on their basis the payment for water will be calculated for you. To check if the charges were made correctly, multiply the water consumption by the current tariff. Compare the received amount with the accrued one.
Step 4
Remember that apartment water meters do not relieve you of the need to pay for common house water overruns. It arises as a result of technological losses, leaks, the use of water for washing entrances and watering green spaces, as well as excess consumption by unregistered residents of apartments in which metering devices are not installed. For example, one person is registered in an apartment without water meters, and four live and use the water supply. Contact the management company for the data, on the basis of which the water charges are recalculated once a quarter (and in some MCs - monthly).
Step 5
According to the current Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, the recalculation algorithm is as follows. Divide the water consumption by common house metering devices by the total volume of water charged for payment according to consumption standards and readings of apartment meters. Multiply the resulting coefficient by the water consumption by the apartment meter and the current tariff. Subtract the water bills you already paid from this figure. You will receive the correction amount, which appears in the "Recalculation" column of your payment document.