Most of us currently have bank cards. These can be salary or credit cards. Each of them has its own individual number, and the person who owns it has a bank account.

It is necessary
passport, bank card, bank branch
Step 1
The bank card number and the personal account of the bank client are not the same. And if the card number can be found just by looking at it, then the person most often does not know his account number or has no idea how to find it. If you have saved the documents (card pin-code and others) that the bank issued when receiving the card, then everything is very simple. In these documents, you will find your personal account, to which you receive the money that you withdraw from your bank card. When issuing a card, the bank is obliged to give you the details of the bank itself in which you received this card and the details of your personal account. Do not confuse the bank account with your account.
Step 2
If for some reason the documents have not survived, then, believe me, not everything is so sad. The bank that issued your card stores all the details, and you can find out your personal account at any branch of the bank. Moreover, to do this, both directly in the branch where the card was received, and in any branch of the same bank in any district of the city. You need to approach you personally or your representative using a power of attorney. You must have a passport and a bank card, the account number of which you want to find out. Contact in turn order to any bank employee with a question that interests you, presenting your passport and card, and you will receive an answer. You will be given comprehensive information right away. In this case, you do not need to write any statements.
Step 3
There is another way to find out a personal account by card number. Some banks now provide a service for the convenience of customers - online banking. With its help, you can find out the information of interest, as well as use some services. An online bank allows you to find out the account number on the card using the Internet without leaving your home. However, this is possible if you are connected to such a service or know how to use it, since the service in any bank is still confidential and requires a personal presence in order to avoid losing money.