How To Earn And Save Money

How To Earn And Save Money
How To Earn And Save Money

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For some people, pride gets in the way of saving money. It manifests itself in the unwillingness to go to the goal in small steps. You want to quickly get what you want, as a result, good opportunities pass by, because they seem small and not worthy of attention. To solve the problem, you need to restructure your thinking.

How to earn and save money
How to earn and save money


Step 1

Take any job. It is better to earn at least a little than to search for an ideal employment option for weeks and months, without having any income at this time and accumulating debts. If you do not want to spoil your work book with an unwanted entry, get a job with an individual entrepreneur. So you can work under a contract.

Step 2

Save money for three months of life. When the salary is small, you have to save a lot and deny yourself everything in order to at least save something. But the sooner you collect the required amount, the sooner you will get rid of your current job. So live modestly and save as much as you can afford. If you are not sure that you will not take money from the piggy bank, open a bank account and transfer the required amount to it from each salary.

Step 3

Quit your job. She was an intermediate step towards the goal.

Step 4

Find a better job. Having a three-month cash reserve, you can choose a financially promising direction of activity, even if you do not have the necessary education and experience. Some companies train newcomers. You can also agree that the first month or two agree to work without pay if you are trained. Look for a job where the salary depends on the results and where there is someone to learn from. The higher the skill, the more you earn and the faster you accumulate the required amount of money. The market is in demand for specialists in the field of sales, customer search. Go to a good apprentice and increase your income dramatically in a few months.
