The services of audit organizations have always been in great demand. This is quite a promising, profitable and profitable business. It is especially suitable for those who are already related to the specialty of an auditor, or at least for several years held a position in this capacity.

Step 1
To open an audit company, you need to register as a legal entity, rent an office and open a bank account. But the organization process doesn't end there. Before starting an activity, formulate the most important theses: commercial offer, price list, bonus system, service provision regulations.
Step 2
The most important thing in organizing an audit firm is the correct distribution of responsibilities between partners. It is also necessary to clearly define the functions of each employee. After drawing up such instructions, which regulate the duties of all employees, it remains to monitor their observance, as well as the progress of the assigned tasks, and, if necessary, make changes to them. This will eliminate the exhausting walks of audits, as all evidence will be collected by company employees in accordance with the established template.
Step 3
New audit organizations provide themselves with orders with the help of their old connections and, opening their own firm, entice clients from their previous place of work. Nevertheless, after a while, the question of the further development of the company and attracting new customers appears. Now a variety of means of promotion and advertising are used.
Step 4
As a promotion of an audit organization, it makes sense to advertise in various media, place ads on the Internet, create your own website, and also find active sales specialists who will ring up potential customers.
Step 5
To work in an audit firm, including for the effectiveness of sales, employees must have the following qualities: regular study of services, the ability to offer them correctly, attentiveness, efficiency in decision-making, the ability to meet current market needs, professional intuition.
Step 6
It should be noted that it is active sales that fully help to understand the needs of demand and quickly adapt to any of its fluctuations. In addition, they provide an opportunity to learn how to properly communicate with different categories of people. The experience of such sales is able to give good practice and train all specialists of the audit organization, which, in the end, will bring it to the first positions. While working and communicating only with friends and acquaintances of acquaintances who were attracted through word of mouth is quite relaxing. As a result, this leads to the fact that such audit companies, becoming "pocket", begin to lose their ability to work independently and compete in the market.