How To Get A Loan In Minsk

How To Get A Loan In Minsk
How To Get A Loan In Minsk

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If there is a need to pay for an expensive service or to buy a certain product, and the current income for this operation is not enough, then the solution to the problem can be a loan. A prerequisite for obtaining a loan from banks in Minsk is proof of your solvency.

How to get a loan in Minsk
How to get a loan in Minsk


Step 1

Visit the website, where all banks in Minsk are represented. The main page contains a list of types of loans. In Belarus, you can get a loan for consumer needs, for the purchase of a car or real estate. It should be noted that interest rates on loans are quite high, therefore, before contacting the bank, you need to assess your financial capabilities.

Step 2

Select a loan method and enter the initial information in the search query: loan currency, maturity and loan amount. Click the "Calculate" button. The resource will give you a list of banks in Minsk, where you can get credit funds according to the specified parameters. Here you can see the interest rate, withdrawal fees, and the amount of monthly payments. Choose the best option and follow the link to the bank's website.

Step 3

Go to the section of the necessary documents for obtaining a loan in Minsk. As a rule, it is necessary to fill out an application form and a guarantor's questionnaire, the forms of which can be obtained from the bank branch or downloaded from the website. Make a copy of your employment record or an extract from this document.

Step 4

Get a certificate from your place of work confirming your permanent income. Contact a bank loan officer with a package of documents and apply for a loan. If you are in draft age, you will also need a military ID.

Step 5

Get credit funds to your salary card. In this case, there is no need to collect many documents, and the interest rate will be much lower. Also, the presence of a positive credit history, guarantors and collateral can lower the interest rate on a loan. Check this information with your servicing bank.

Step 6

Sign the loan agreement. At the same time, it is recommended to carefully study its conditions and the presence of penalties for early repayment. Receive money in your hands or into your current account and use it as directed.
