Gradually, Russians are also getting used to living on credit, as residents of developed countries do. The loan may be required for the purchase of a home, a new car or other large purchase. You can take a loan at any bank, but if your solvency drops sharply, there will be a serious problem - the inability to make payments on the loan.

Step 1
If there is no money to repay the loan, do not panic and try to hide from the creditor bank, now it is impossible, you will be found in any case. There is no point in pursuing an "ostrich policy" - your debt will not diminish from this. Re-read the agreement with the bank, evaluate all the troubles that may ensue when you violate your obligations as a borrower. Seek advice from a lawyer specializing in such cases - he will tell you how to minimize the risk of being on the street (if the loan was taken on the security of the only real estate).
Step 2
Contact the bank with a request to restructure your existing loan. Make an appointment with the manager in advance and explain the situation to him. If the amount you borrowed is large enough, and before that you regularly made all due payments, there is a high probability that the bank will meet you halfway. In case of restructuring, the loan term will be extended and the repayment schedule will be recalculated in order to reduce the amount of the monthly payment.
Step 3
If in the next few months you do not expect a full recovery of your solvency, it makes sense to ask the bank for a "credit leave", during which you will only have to pay the current interest on the loan. In any case, the bank, just like you, is interested in the money taken to be returned, albeit a little later than previously agreed.
Step 4
In the most extreme case, if the receipt of money is not expected in the foreseeable future, you will have to sell property - an apartment or a car. If the property is pledged by the bank, do not wait for it to be sold at an auction by a court decision, contact the manager with a request to lift the ban on the sale of this property and try to sell it yourself at the highest possible price. The bank, by the way, may well help you with this - by providing legal services.