How Many Percent Of Shares Of Sberbank Of Russia Belong To The State

How Many Percent Of Shares Of Sberbank Of Russia Belong To The State
How Many Percent Of Shares Of Sberbank Of Russia Belong To The State

The largest bank in Russia today is considered to be Sberbank of Russia OJSC. A lot of people, of course, assume that he has become a monopoly in the banking market, but at the same time, most people consider him versatile, as he offers his clients a variety of services. In addition, most depositors associate it with a reliable institution that is completely controlled by the state.

How many percent of shares of Sberbank of Russia belong to the state
How many percent of shares of Sberbank of Russia belong to the state

Basic data on the owners of Sberbank OJSC

Today, by going to the official website of the bank of Sberbank of Russia, you can find out that half of the shares (50% and plus one more voting share) belong to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which means that this amount is directly in power state. The rest is concentrated in the hands of legal entities or individuals. So, the share of an individual is 9%, and foreign investors have won over 24% for themselves.

If we turn to history, then since 1996, promotional trades have been held on the RTS and MICEX exchanges. And already in 2007, Sberbank placed another part of its shares, thanks to which it managed to achieve an increase in the authorized capital of Sberbank by as much as 12 percent. Today the bank is managed by:

- supervisory board;

- General Meeting of Shareholders;

- the board of the bank.

Today the supervisory board of Sberbank has real powers. So, he makes, for example, the decision to dismiss the chairman of the board, however, only after his official dismissal.

Many, mistakenly, believe that the chairman of the board of this bank is its direct owner, but in fact only administrative functions are entrusted to him. It should be noted that exactly those people who use any services of Sberbank OJSC can call themselves the “owners” or “creators” of this banking giant. The state, for its part, performs a control function, ensuring the safety of deposits intact, the legality of credit operations and regulates the financial activities of this bank.

Will the state's share in Sberbank be reduced?

The presidents and chairman of the board of the Savings Bank today is German Oskarovich Gref, previously the Minister of the Russian Federation.

As for the decrease in the state's share in the bank, this was said back in 2012. The proposal to reduce the state's share was positively received by the heads of not only Sberbank, but also other banking institutions. But for this to be possible, it will be necessary to make significant changes to the law. And since this process is very protracted (years can be spent), then one should not expect in the current 2014 that the state's share in the authorized capital will be reduced. 10.percent 11. how much 12. how much 13. take 14. takes, sbri, reset
