Organizations, individual entrepreneurs, after registering their company, must open a bank account. They should notify the tax office of this, where they have registered their company. To do this, they need to fill out a unified form on opening a current account.

It is necessary
- - company documents;
- - seal of the organization;
- - documents of the representative;
- - document on opening an account;
- - details of the bank where the account is opened;
- - a form for opening / closing a current account for submission to the IFTS.
Step 1
Form C-09-1 was approved by Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. MM-7-6 / 252 dated April 21, 2009. On each sheet of the form, write in the taxpayer identification number, the code of the reason for registering with the tax authority. Indicate the inspection code of the place of filing of this document. If you notify the tax office about opening a bank account, you should fill out the first and second pages, if in the Federal Treasury body - the first and third.
Step 2
If you have a Russian company, put the number 1 in the appropriate field, if a foreign one - 2, a foreign organization operating in the Russian Federation through a branch - 3. If you are registered as an individual entrepreneur, indicate the number 4. If you are a notary dealing with a private practice, or a lawyer who has established a lawyer's office, write the number 5.
Step 3
Write the name of your firm in accordance with the articles of association or other articles of incorporation. Indicate the personal data of an individual, if the company's OPF is an individual entrepreneur, if you are a lawyer or notary.
Step 4
Please provide the main registration number of your organization or individual entrepreneur.
Step 5
If you notify about opening an account, put in the appropriate field the number 1, about closing - 2. If you notify the tax service about opening a bank account, indicate the number 1, in the Federal Treasury body - 2.
Step 6
The accuracy and completeness of the information you should confirm with the signature of the representative of the company filling out this form, indicating his personal data, stamp (if any) and date.
Step 7
The second page of the form is designed to indicate the number of the current account, the date of its opening, the full name of the bank, as well as the address of its location, taxpayer identification number, reason for registration, bank identification code.
Step 8
If you have opened an account with a Federal Treasury body, on the third page of the form, indicate the account number, the date of its opening, the name of the body, as well as the details of the bank in which the account of this body is registered.