Currently, private depositors and investors are in no hurry to create deposits or use other financial services in the first bank they come across. Taking into account the growth in the number of cases of revocation of licenses from various credit institutions, it is worth analyzing the state of the financial market and making a choice in favor of one of the large and reliable players.

Exact information about the banks that are currently experiencing problems and even subject to possible closure is available exclusively from the organization that controls the sector - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Recently, various sources have published the so-called negative ratings of banks, allegedly provided by the Central Bank. Most often, this is deliberately false information, usually without reliable facts, since the Central Bank does not disclose this information in order not to disrupt healthy competition in the banking sector and not cause panic among investors and depositors.
The closest to reliable information about the state of Russian banks is published by reputable rating agencies (RusRating, AK&M, Expert RA). For example, on the official website of the RusRating agency, a list of over 100 large Russian banks is presented, compiled on the basis of credit institutions' compliance with the creditworthiness requirements set forth in the legislation. The list shows that the following organizations still have problems:
- KB "Agrosoyuz";
- Asia-Pacific Bank;
- Bank Aspect;
- Bank BKF;
- MTS Bank;
- Interregional Industrial and Construction Bank;
- Nevsky bank.
Information obtained from open sources must be checked against the list of credit institutions that meet the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. This document is posted on its website directly by the Central Bank. It also lists organizations that are not in danger of license revocation in the near future.
The easiest way not to make mistakes when choosing a bank is to choose one of the system (support) organizations. Every year, the Central Bank openly publishes a list of the best and most reliable Russian banks. At the moment it includes:
- Bank GPB JSC;
- Sberbank PJSC;
- PJSC VTB Bank;
- UniCredit Bank JSC);
- PJSC "Moscow Credit Bank";
- PJSC Bank FC Otkritie;
- PJSC Promsvyazbank;
- Raiffeisenbank JSC;
- JSC "Rosselkhozbank".
For many years these banks have demonstrated a steady growth in their development and are the most reliable. In addition, even in the event of problems, they are guaranteed to receive the necessary support from the state, so investors do not have to worry about the safety of their funds. Organizations that are not included in this list are less reliable, therefore, when contacting them, you should carefully study the conditions of deposit insurance: in unfavorable circumstances, the client will be refunded the entire amount of the deposit or most of it.