Recently, raider takeovers are taking place more and more often not only in the segment of large business, but also affect small and medium-sized enterprises with small but stable profits. Thus, a raider takeover can threaten not only large joint-stock companies, but also those whose turnover is much more modest.

A raider takeover is a violent seizure of an enterprise aimed at acquiring its assets from the owners. Unfortunately, the raider market in Russia is large enough and is constantly expanding. Protection from economic pressure should be expected from law enforcement agencies and the anti-raider legal corps. However, neither one nor the other can give guarantees that the business will be preserved.
At the same time, not every business product is of interest to raiders. There are certain prerequisites that allow us to say that the company is pursuing a risky management policy, which can predict the emergence of raider interests in the future. To eliminate the danger of economic harassment, some business principles should be revised.
Work in white
Attractive assets, stable profits and a strong market position are not the only signs of a company that may face a raider takeover. Illegal economic machinations are often carried out in enterprises whose management has already violated the law. In such cases, the seizure of enterprises becomes the result of blackmail.
It is obvious that keeping white books, not making dubious transactions and not withdrawing funds secretly from the founders will reduce the risk of a raider takeover. However, this does not give a full guarantee.
Raiding on carelessness
Often, raider seizures occur as a result of insufficient attention of management to the storage of documents. If fraudsters have access to accounting documents or there is an opportunity to simply steal documents, then problems with the business cannot be avoided.
According to such schemes, raider seizures are carried out from enterprises of various forms of ownership. That is why it is recommended to keep statutory, accounting documents, seals and facsimiles strictly in a safe, the keys to which are only in the possession of officials: the general director and the chief accountant.
Mythical problems
Often raider takeovers are aimed not so much at taking away a business as at acquiring its assets. Thus, the initiators of this process are not interested in the fate of the enterprise itself.
In such cases, the business can fall under the economic scheme of creating artificial financial problems. The ultimate goal of this work is to lead the company to bankruptcy, to lead the process of selling the property and to acquire it in the process of marketing at the most attractive price. In this case, the initiator of the raider seizure seeks to become the main creditor of the bankrupt organization in order to obtain the right to independently set the initial price for the sale of assets.