Whatever the amount of your savings, you shouldn't keep them at home. Firstly, this method cannot be called safe, and secondly, this way you deprive yourself of the additional income that this money could bring. Among the many options for investing savings, there are those that allow you to receive a regular income with a minimum of effort. If the amount of investment is quite substantial, this method can become the main income.

It is necessary
- - savings;
- - passport;
- - Internet access.
Step 1
The safest and easiest way to invest savings is a bank deposit. Almost every bank now offers a wide range of deposits with different conditions. At the same time, you can find offers where the required minimum amount to open a deposit is only 3 thousand rubles. The advantage of this type of investment is that most of the deposits opened in banks of the Russian Federation are insured for up to 700 thousand, this gives some guarantee of saving savings in unforeseen situations. Despite the availability of deposits, this type of investment is considered low-yield, since deposit rates, as a rule, do not exceed the inflation rate.
Step 2
With a small amount of savings, you can open an impersonal metal account (OMS), i.e. contribution to precious metals. This service is becoming more and more accessible, for example, it is offered by Sberbank, VTB24, Bank of Moscow, Nomos-Bank. By opening the OMS, the bank's client gets the opportunity to make money on the difference in the purchase and sale rates of such precious metals as gold, silver, palladium, and platinum. When buying precious metals, your account is credited with how many grams of a particular metal you bought, while you do not get real bars. When you sell the previously purchased metal to a bank, the required number of grams is debited from your account, and you are given a sum of money corresponding to their current value. In this case, you can pick up the precious metal in the form of an ingot, but then you will have to pay VAT. In the past few years, the prices of the main precious metals have undergone several significant fluctuations, so this method of investment can be highly profitable. However, it also has its drawbacks: the need to constantly monitor the current rates of precious metals, the lack of guarantees of income. In addition, unlike ordinary bank deposits, CHI is not insured by the state.
Step 3
If you have impressive savings, invest in real estate. Having bought an apartment or office space, you can rent them out, while receiving regular passive income. In addition, real estate prices are constantly growing, therefore, buying an apartment, you thereby acquire an asset, the value of which will increase from year to year. Thus, the purchase of real estate cannot be called a risky investment, but for its implementation you will need a substantial amount.
Step 4
If you are ready to regularly monitor world economic and political news, as well as read a lot of specialized literature and analytical reports, try your hand at playing the FOREX market or trading stocks. To do this on your own, you will have to conclude an agreement with a broker and deposit a certain amount into the account. Then you will be able to carry out transactions of purchase and sale through online trading or contacting a broker by phone. This type of investment is characterized by a high degree of risk. And for successful trading, you will have to study a lot of information and constantly monitor market fluctuations.
Step 5
If you are attracted by the opportunity to make high profits by trading stocks or performing operations on the FOREX market, but you are not ready to do it yourself, contact the professionals. For example, you can invest your savings in mutual funds or use a trust management service. Despite the fact that this method of investment can bring a solid income, it has many disadvantages: high risks, the absence of any guarantees, the need to pay a commission to the manager. In addition, if you buy a share in a mutual fund, you will not be able to independently determine your further investment strategy.