To get a big one out of a small amount of money requires ingenuity, perseverance and self-confidence. To draw up a plan for achieving a goal, it is worth starting with mathematical calculations.

Step 1
Develop different options for solving the problem in terms of mathematics. Possible path to the goal: $ 1 - $ 10 - $ 100 - $ 1000 - $ 10,000 - $ 100,000 - $ 1,000,000 - $ 10,000,000 - $ 100,000,000 - $ 1,000,000,000. Another option: $ 1 - 10 * $ 1 - 10 * $ 10 - 10 * $ 100 - 100 * $ 100 - 100 * $ 1000 - 1000 * $ 1000 - 10000 * $ 1000 - 100000 * $ 1000 - 100000 * $ 10000. This exercise will liberate your mind and help you find an acceptable number of intermediate steps. Don't stop until you find a psychologically comfortable option. Here you will have to rely on intuition, but as a result, there will be faith in the attainability of the goal.
Step 2
Find statistics on the profitability of organizations, individuals, governments, etc. to give an idea of the magnitude of the task you are undertaking. For example, find out how much a small country collects in taxes per year; how many goods in monetary terms are exported and what is the net profit; how many millionaires live in a particular city and how much money they spend on average during the year, etc. Such information will help link the options from the first step to the ideas that will emerge during the study of statistics.
Step 3
Explore the lists of the "100 richest people in the world", "400 richest people in the world", etc. Find out which of these representatives of humanity started with a small income and increased it, and did not receive wealth by inheritance. Read the biographies of these people and find out how long it took them to achieve the goal, and how they came to it. Someone created a great company, and someone invested money at interest - choose the option that suits your liking.
Step 4
Based on the information learned, develop a plan to achieve the goal with specific timelines. You don't have to invent something, you can simulate the success of another person.
Step 5
Implement your plans. In the beginning it will be difficult, because the "train" does not immediately accelerate, but after a while it will not be easy to stop it, and then everything will go by inertia.