Trading on the stock exchange is a transaction of buying and selling financial assets, which include securities, stock indices, currencies, as well as derivatives (futures, options). The purpose of the exchange game is to make a profit when asset prices change. The basis for making a profit is the increase or decrease in the prices of stocks, currencies, etc.

Step 1
Learn the basic principles of the stock exchange game. The idea is simple: you should buy as cheaply as possible and sell as dearly as possible. However, the simplicity of the principle of making a profit does not mean that by becoming a stock speculator, you will certainly win. To get a stable profit, you must be able to correctly predict the movement of the market price, and this is a whole science.
Step 2
Explore ways to predict the price of the market. Currently, there are two main types of financial market analysis: fundamental and technical analysis. Both methods have their strengths and weaknesses, and therefore require in-depth study. You can learn forecasting both on your own, using textbooks, and on specialized courses that are held in most major cities. Some financial and brokerage companies also organize free online training.
Step 3
After learning the basics of stock trading, choose the market and the exchange on which you will trade. This can be a stock market (FORTS and MICEX exchanges), the interbank Forex market, and so on. The most risky are operations in the foreign exchange market, which can bring both quick enrichment and an equally rapid loss of invested funds. The game on stock and commodity exchanges has a calmer character.
Step 4
Select a broker company through which you will carry out transactions. The main criteria for such a choice: reliability, ease of service, low commissions, information support. Sign a service agreement with a broker, deposit funds into your personal account. Install trading equipment on your computer (the broker provides such software, as a rule, free of charge).
Step 5
Master the exchange by opening a demo account. In such a safe mode, learn how to open and close trading positions, use various orders, and build your financial strategies. Working with a demo account cannot lead to losses, but you will not receive any profit either, since the funds on the account will be virtual. However, the experience of interacting with trading instruments is invaluable.
Step 6
Having gained experience, proceed to performing operations on a real account. Develop your strategy and stick to it strictly. Learn to manage psychological factors, do not let emotions get the better of your mind. Gradually gaining real experience in stock trading, you will be able to get closer to the goal of playing on the stock exchange - gaining complete financial freedom.