The form of the report on personal income tax (personal income tax) for the past year is the 3NDFL declaration. It must be filled out by individuals who received income not through a tax agent or who wish to receive a tax deduction, as well as entrepreneurs who are payers of personal income tax. The easiest way and with the minimum probability of errors is to use the "Declaration" program to fill it out.

It is necessary
- - a computer;
- - access to the Internet;
- - the latest version of the program declaration;
- - documentary evidence of the income received and the tax paid from it (certificates of 2 personal income tax from tax agents, contracts, receipts, etc.).
Step 1
You can download the Declaration program on the website of the Main Research Center of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (GNIVTs FTS of Russia). It is better to download the latest version of the program or update the existing one to it, since new versions are posted on the site taking into account the changes in the declaration requirements reflected in the program.
The program is distributed free of charge, quickly downloaded, installed on a computer and takes up little space on your hard drive.
Step 2
Collect all documents proving income and taxes paid on it. Take from all your tax agents (organizations from which you receive income under an employment or civil contract with automatic deduction from the accrued tax amounts) certificates on the 2NDFL form. They are obliged to issue them to you upon request. If there is no TIN of the other party in the purchase and sale agreement or other, indicating the receipt of income other than through a tax agent, contact it and find out this data. An exception is income received from abroad. The name of its source - a foreign company or the name of an individual is enough.
Step 3
Run the program. It has a simple and intuitive interface that will not give you any trouble. You can take all the necessary data about the source of income from the documents confirming your income: certificates on the 2NDFL form, contracts, etc.
Sections that are irrelevant in your case, just do not fill out.
After completing all the sections, give the command to save the declaration. You can print this document and take it to the tax office in person or send it by mail. Or submit it via the Internet using the portal of state services "". But then you have to visit the inspection to sign the document.