What You Need To Know Before Taking Out A Loan

What You Need To Know Before Taking Out A Loan
What You Need To Know Before Taking Out A Loan

In the modern world, people very often become users of loans, since life situations are different, and relatives and friends do not have the required amount. What recommendations need to be taken into account in order to take a loan from the bank and not turn into a beggar?

What you need to know before taking out a loan
What you need to know before taking out a loan

General requirements for borrowers

Banks profit from loans issued. But such activities are in many ways risky for a financial institution, so potential clients must meet certain requirements. As a rule, these include:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • age qualification (most often from 21 to 65 years old inclusive);
  • presence of registration at the place of residence or in the region of presence of the bank branch;
  • confirmed income according to a 2-NDFL certificate or according to a bank certificate for the last 3-6 months;
  • family composition (presence of children under the age of 18, dependents);
  • possession of movable or immovable property.

Requirements for borrowers from each bank can be supplemented. These are general rules.

What you need to know before taking out a loan

If a loan is vital, then it is worth calculating your expenses, taking into account the future loan. The amount of the monthly loan payment must not exceed 50% of the borrower's income. This calculation is carried out by the bank. If you give half of the salary to a financial institution, then the client and his family members will be deprived of a large number of products and entertainment. In this case, it is advisable to increase the loan term. And the optimal size of the monthly payment will be 25% of the salary. On the website of each bank there is a loan calculator that you can use. To find out the amount of a future loan or the amount of a monthly payment, you need to enter data on the loan term, currency, type of payment (in the case of a credit card, non-cash payment or cash), interest rate. The calculator will show the approximate amount. The exact calculation will be determined by the bank itself, based on the information on the client.

Often the following situation is common in life: a person takes out a loan for himself, but not for himself, but for a friend, a distant relative. As a result, the "friend" does not bear obligations for the loan, and all responsibility for the payment of the debt rests entirely with the borrower. Therefore, you should not take out third-party loans for yourself.

What you need to know before using a credit card

If you have opted for a credit card, then you should remember the following:

  1. Availability of a sufficient number of ATMs of the issuing bank or ATMs of partner banks. If there are no such ATMs, then you will have to withdraw cash from the card with a large withdrawal fee.
  2. Availability of SMS notifications on the card (paid or free) about all actions on the card. Thus, you will not miss information about the payment of the minimum payment and will be aware of the actions of fraudsters.
  3. Information in the agreement about the full cost of the loan and its annual interest rate.
  4. The amount of annual card maintenance, fees for maintaining an account and for cash withdrawals, penalties for missing the minimum payment.
  5. Availability and amount of cashback on the card and discounts, bonuses for using a credit card.
  6. The size of the minimum payment and the timing of its payment.
  7. Credit card payment methods. How many days this payment is required so that the payment is not considered late.
  8. The presence of early repayment of the loan.
