How To Become A Successful Investor

How To Become A Successful Investor
How To Become A Successful Investor

It is quite easy to become an investor, but success in this business can only be achieved over time, having accumulated the necessary experience. For investments to pay good dividends, there is no need to have a large initial capital. The main thing is to follow certain rules that will allow you to better control risks and take profits on time.

How to become a successful investor
How to become a successful investor

Your aim

If you want to become an investor, decide why you need it and what do you want to achieve? Most investors go about their business to get rich, keep their money, or earn a small but regular income. Goals can be short-term (for example, buying a car) and long-term (for example, saving for old age). You should think about them before you start investing.

Beginning of work

If you've never invested before, it may be difficult to get started. Almost any investment carries a certain amount of risk. If you are not ready for it yet, try starting with a bank deposit at the highest interest rate on the market. From now on, you will feel how your money starts working for you.

Risk and reward

You must clearly understand for yourself the rule of risk-reward ratio. The more risks you are willing to take, the higher your potential profit will be. If, when analyzing an investment project, you find that there is an opportunity to get high profits without much risk, be sure, most likely, you have made a mistake somewhere. Study the issue in more detail and do not start work until you find out all the conditions for the upcoming investment. If you have already set an investment goal and know when it should be achieved, it will be easier for you to calculate the level of risk that you can take on. If the potential income turns out to be not high (not sufficient), you will have to either reconsider the investment timing or take more risk.


It can be difficult for novice investors to understand a large number of investment instruments. If you are planning to invest money in certain assets, but you have many questions about them, use the advice of financial experts. They will help you draw up an investment plan and correctly calculate the risk-to-reward ratio that is acceptable for you.

Investment method

You also need to decide how you will invest your money. You can use the services of appropriate funds (mutual funds) or engage in direct investment, for example, by buying shares of certain companies on your own. The choice of investment method depends on several factors. For example, if you want to have complete control over the investment process, you need to do it yourself. If you want to invest in instruments that are not available to a private investor, use the services of management companies.


Never limit yourself to investing in one instrument. Distribute your investments between assets of different classes (currency, stocks, real estate, etc.). Investment diversification is very important. If one of the assets turns out to be unprofitable, you will always have a chance to cover losses at the expense of other investments. This approach will most likely not bring you fantastic profits, but it will help make them more stable.

Invest only in assets you understand

In rapidly developing sectors of the economy, there are a large variety of companies, especially in the international markets. Never invest money if you do not know what kind of company they are. Very often, young companies enter the market to attract investments for dubious projects. The risks of investing in them are extremely high.
