How To Borrow Money From Friends, Neighbors, Etc

How To Borrow Money From Friends, Neighbors, Etc
How To Borrow Money From Friends, Neighbors, Etc

Money plays an important role in the life of a modern person, and sometimes there are situations when it is simply necessary to find additional funds, but there is no desire to resort to the help of banks. In this case, a loan from friends, acquaintances or relatives can help.

How to borrow money from friends, neighbors, etc
How to borrow money from friends, neighbors, etc

If you borrow without a receipt

Everyone's attitude towards money and debt is different, so you need to take this factor into account before you turn to a specific person with a request. Remember a very important rule: even if the borrowed amount is negligible, hurry to return it as soon as possible so as not to spoil the impression of your personality.

If the conversation is about a fairly large (for you or for the lender) amount, but it is extremely necessary to receive it, you will have to prepare a little for the conversation. This will allow you to decide how much and from whom you will borrow. Borrowing 1,000 rubles from 10 acquaintances is easier than 10,000 rubles from one.

After that, be sure to call your potential lender, make an appointment, as a person may simply have no time to listen to you without prior agreement. But asking for money by phone is not worth it, when you meet in person, you have a better chance of getting a positive answer.

During a conversation, it is better to express your request, avoiding the "not" particle. The human brain is so arranged that the question "Could you …?" it's easier to say no. If you are asked about the reason for the loan, it is better not to mention your own health. Even insurance agents refuse to cooperate with a sick person, and here is a debt, and even without any guarantees on your part. Just do not lie, because they are acquaintances that sooner or later they will find out about your insincerity: whether they see themselves or hear from others, the attitude towards you will be spoiled.

If asked to sign a document

It so happens that even the closest friends ask you to sign a loan receipt. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, the main thing is to draw it up correctly in order to avoid ambiguous interpretations. When issuing an IOU, pay attention to the following points:

- the loan document is usually drawn up in one copy, which remains with the lender;

- the receipt must contain the passport data of both parties to the loan agreement, information on the timing of payment, the date of issuance of the receipt and the amount of debt, the address of actual residence and the personal signature of the borrower;

- the receipt does not need to be confirmed by witnesses (but if you wish, you can formalize everything by a notary);

- when paying off the amount of the debt, the borrower has the right to demand his receipt before transferring the money, and may also ask the lender to sign a document confirming the receipt of the entire amount due and the absence of claims.

Considering these rules, you will not only successfully receive the required loan, but will also be protected from possible problems with the return of funds.
