Rich people are distinguished not only by the presence of money, but also by their special thinking. They can manage finances, attract them into their lives, and also know how to multiply. To find wealth, you must learn to think like wealthy people.

Step 1
Learn to make money. Only hard work can increase your income. Planned development helps to gradually build up capital. The idea that money will “fall from the sky” doesn't work. Very few people are so lucky that the lottery or inheritance brings millions, but it can be very difficult to save this money. If you move gradually, earn more and more, then knowledge on the correct spending appears.
Step 2
Become a pro at what you do. This will require a lot of effort, because you will have to spend a lot of time reading the textbooks, but only this will increase your cost. Practice and theory will provide an opportunity to become a specialist who will be in demand. Be prepared for the fact that over the years you will have to improve and strive for more. Rich people always learn something, this is their principle of life.
Step 3
Choose a job that you like. It is impossible to do what you don't like for a very long time. The desire to develop and improve is manifested only in those areas where there is personal interest. Choose a workplace that inspires. Think that you will not be bored for many years, in what you will not feel disgust? The right activity will bring income, pay maximum attention to this choice.
Step 4
Learn to set goals. Dreams and goals are not the same thing. The first is the images of a happy life, which may not be realized. Goals are the results that a person strives for. He develops a plan of tasks for implementation, sees the stages of implementation. Learn to do this. Information can be found in the literature and in special trainings. If you can live on a specific schedule, income will increase very quickly.
Step 5
Read literature on finance, learn as much as possible about money management, about financial laws. Not every person has the ability to interact with money, manage it, this needs to be learned, like the multiplication table. Nobody will give you this knowledge, you will have to look for it on your own, but today there are hundreds of books, and you just need to read them to figure it out. You can also go to special trainings, they will increase your literacy and efficiency.
Step 6
A rich person is not someone who has an expensive car or a fancy house, but a person who has savings that generate income. Wealthy people always have passive income, know how to invest, and also always know how much they have in their accounts. It is important to learn not to spend every penny, but to multiply funds, to earn even more money from the money. So analyze your income and start saving at least 10%.
Step 7
Free yourself from the judgments of rich people, as well as from the fear of money. If you think that finances are only bad luck, you won't be able to earn much. Change your beliefs, figure out what exactly in thoughts and words prevents you from getting a promotion. Usually, awareness of attitudes already helps to get good results.