Everyone Has A Chance To Become Rich

Everyone Has A Chance To Become Rich
Everyone Has A Chance To Become Rich

Video: Everyone Has A Chance To Become Rich

Video: Everyone Has A Chance To Become Rich
Video: The Most Honest Advice About Getting Rich (an eye opening speech) 2024, October

If you were born into a poor family, you do not have the basic habits of wealthy people. And there is nowhere to take them. However, there are examples of people becoming rich without such habits and environments to pass on their experience to them. How did they do it?

Everyone has a chance to become rich
Everyone has a chance to become rich

They just got away from the habits and stereotypes that they got in the family, and acquired habits and learned the principles of rich people. Let's briefly talk about them.

The first principle. Don't put it off for later. Do not wait for favorable conditions, the right moment and the best location of the stars. An idea came up - take it and do it, using the resources that you have here and now. Delay is fraught with the fact that you will lose faith in your work or someone else will embody your idea.

The second principle. Use the chance. When you are offered a new job, a new business, an additional income - do not refuse. You do not know when and where it will "shoot". If you do the same thing, you will receive the same thing. Of course, you should not rush headlong, but you need to be open to new things. Yes, you may not be lucky - but it will be an invaluable experience.

Principle three. Planning for the future. And these are not only dreams of "how everything will be fine." For example, if you bought a car on credit, calculate how much you will receive less money in your budget in the future. It may be better to postpone the amount and accrue interest on it. As long as you pay for the car, it will become outdated and you will have to take a new loan. So looking at the perspective is very helpful.

Principle 4: Be calm about money. This means that you should not be jealous of more wealthy people and not be afraid of losing your money. It is important to be happy with what you have, to follow the example of rich people and learn from them personal discipline, attitude towards money and self-esteem.

The fifth principle. Impulse purchases. Often we buy not because we need a thing, but because we “want”. And then it turns out that the purchase is completely unnecessary. This is how unnecessary things accumulate in the house. So how should it be? Plan purchases and go to the store with a list. And if you really want to buy something - wait two or three days. If the desire has not passed, it means that you can buy.

Sixth principle. Asset ownership. Rich people do not seek to make a lot of money - they seek to create passive income in the form of various investments. Some people start small and buy two or three shares of profitable businesses. And then they increase their capital. Money can "burn" overnight, and assets will not be lost, especially if there are several of them.

Seventh principle. Accumulate your experience. To follow the example of rich people, however, theory will not help if you do nothing. And not listen to those people who have not achieved anything in life. They have no track record of achieving a goal in finance. As a rule, these are people who buy cars on credit, and with a salary of forty thousand, they buy an iPhone for sixty. Such people will never become rich.

Principle eight. Maintain the balance of assets and liabilities. That is, do not rush to spend the money earned in order to buy things with it. Even a new car becomes a liability in a month: it requires gasoline, a car wash, a tire service, and so on. That is, she draws money from the family's budget. An asset is something that makes money: a rental garage, stocks or bonds, and so on. Therefore, see what you have more - liabilities or assets and equalize the balance.

Principle nine. Do not take loans. As a rule, poor people take loans for what they really want, hoping to "somehow get out". And the rich take out loans and development loans. And they expect that these funds will bring them income. It is the same with debts: you can borrow for something you cannot do without, everything else is an extra burden on the budget.

Tenth principle. Control your finances without hoping for a chance or a miracle. Money loves accounting and planning - without this it is impossible to accumulate the smallest capital. And as soon as it accumulates thanks to control, it will no longer be difficult to turn it into a constantly incoming financial flow.
