Online store owners know that attracting visitors to their site is only half of the effective work. The goal of any online store is to turn resource visitors into buyers. You can interest a site visitor using the most relevant product for him.

There are various methods to help you approach your customers.
The strategy of selecting products to sell and showing those products to potential buyers in order to increase the likelihood of purchasing them is called merchandising.
Online store merchandising includes a wide range of activities: correct product placement on the site page, pricing policy, promotions, bonuses, placement of up-to-date information on the product.
A key approach to effective sales and website attractiveness for buyers lies in the ability to offer products and their descriptions in accordance with the needs of the client. In other words, it is the ability to offer the right product in the right place to the right person.
Modern e-commerce technologies make it easy to access information about the client, about his needs and offer him the desired product. Basically, a visitor to an online store, before going to the shopping cart, visits four pages: the home, or home, search page, catalog, and product description page. Each of these pages has a specific organizational strategy.
Attractiveness of the home page
For a home page, simplicity is key to attractiveness. This page is usually visited by returning or new visitors to the online store. Finding out what site visitors are looking for is quite difficult at this stage. Therefore, online retailers often include the most popular products, a search bar, and a product selection area by category on the home page. Some popular products can be presented through customer reviews. You can also offer products through a personal appeal to the visitor. The phrase "You might like it" or "You might be interested" is another way to initiate the desire of a site visitor to buy your products.
The main task of the home page is to promote valuable products and invite the visitor to further explore the online store.
Attractiveness of the search page
On the search page, it is important to provide the visitor with the information he is interested in by the keyword. In the drop-down list, the products should not only match the request, but also contain some details about each product. For such a page, it makes sense to refine the search. For example, a customer might be interested in products within certain prices, or they might want to know which products in a given category were purchased by other visitors. These wishes can be formalized as additional search options under the headings "Products at a low price", "Choice of other buyers".
Search results can show the best-selling product in a given category, product training videos, helpful reviews, or articles on a keyword-related topic.
Attractiveness of the catalog page
Like the search pages, the catalog allows you to find a product according to your needs. On such pages, it is possible to promote certain products within categories. Small shopping guides and instructional videos will help build more confidence and liking for the product in the buyer.
Attractiveness of product description pages
The most important thing for pages with a single product is its detailed description. Detailed product information, instructional videos, photographs and feedback from other customers play a key role here. To push the visitor to buy, the seller can offer a bonus, arrange a promotion, show a number of similar products, make a reminder of how many products are left to buy for free shipping. In addition, the seller can show the buyer what else is usually watched with this product, or what other buyers have bought in addition to this product. This strategy both makes the site more attractive and allows for a larger sale.