Should The Store Accept Damaged Money

Should The Store Accept Damaged Money
Should The Store Accept Damaged Money

Banknotes of different denominations in circulation on the territory of Russia also have different terms of use, the smaller the denomination, the faster this banknote will lose its “marketable appearance”. Therefore, very often banknotes of 10, 50 and 100 rubles are damaged. In many cases, shops refuse to accept such banknotes, but this is not always legal.

Should the store accept damaged money
Should the store accept damaged money

Central Bank opinion

The term of use of banknotes with a denomination of 10 rubles is only a few months, denominations of 50 rubles last about a year, 100 and 500 rubles - no more than 5 years. But it is precisely these banknotes that are the most popular, so it is not surprising that old and damaged ones are often found among them. In connection with the massive refusal of stores to accept old and defective banknotes for payment, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation sent to commercial structures special instructions No. 1778-U dated December 26, 2006 “On the signs of solvency and the rules for exchanging banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia”.

With this document, the Central Bank obliges all organizations with any form of ownership, operating in any field of activity, to accept for payment bills and coins recognized as solvent, as well as paper and metal money with minor damages and defects. These include:

- Bank of Russia banknotes worn out, frayed or torn, contaminated, small holes, punctures, inscriptions, seals, as well as those whose corners or edges are torn off;

- iron money of the Bank of Russia with minor mechanical damage, but with preserved images on the obverse and reverse.

The store has the right to refuse to accept banknotes of 2 and 3 degrees of dilapidation, since the credit institution (bank) accepts such bills cheaper than face value.

Can a store refuse to accept damaged money

The specialists listed in the Instructions classify the defects as 1 degree of dilapidation of a bill or coin. Such money should be accepted in any store as payment. Refusal, in addition to the above-mentioned Instructions, also violates Articles 426 and 445 of the Civil Code, since in this case it is considered that this commercial organization unreasonably evades the conclusion of a public contract, and it must compensate the other party for the losses caused by this.

The law does not provide for any administrative liability in the form of a fine or a penalty for refusing to accept damaged banknotes.

In this case, the law establishes civil liability for a commercial organization-seller in the form of compulsion to conclude a transaction - a sale and purchase agreement with a buyer of goods or services. But, since you cannot physically force the seller to fulfill these obligations, you will only be presented in court to prove your case.
