Opening a branch of a foreign company on your own will allow you to develop a network of connections and increase business efficiency. But it is also necessary to take into account the differences in mentality between countries, which often turns out to be not the easiest task.

Step 1
The most important concept for business is profitability, profitability. Will there be potential buyers of a foreign company in the city planned for opening a branch? Is there competition in the industry? What is the value of the property? How soon qualified employees can be found. The answers to all these questions have to be found and, taking into account them, a detailed business plan should be drawn up.
Step 2
With the opening of the office, you can solve an important problem - the difference in time zones. Of course, it will not be possible to completely eliminate it. But a couple of large clocks showing the time of the branch and head office will help you better navigate in urgent situations. This method is a common practice - many hours with the inscriptions: Tokio, New-York, London can be found in banks, on stock exchanges, etc.
Step 3
Translation difficulties are a major constraint to business expansion. It is not so much about the problems of personal communication (although about them too), but about the problem of transferring reports, teamwork of employees, exchange of accounting, etc. Qualified translators (who can be found on a piece-rate basis, for example, on the website) and lawyers in international law will help to solve this problem. The latter can be found at the bar associations of large cities or in professional social networks (Linkedin,
Step 4
Finding a leading manager who worked in the country of the “head office” may also be a solution to the problem. A large “assortment” of qualified specialists is available on the project.
Step 5
Foreign representatives face many problems with the assessment of the work of Russian offices. In our country, the corporate culture is not yet so developed (with quarterly reports, the board of directors). An assistant in this aspect is openness. If you manage to make your system of work, communication with clients, marketing and advertising principles transparent for your foreign partners, your branch will be able to receive support from both managers and shareholders.