How To Keep Management Records

How To Keep Management Records
How To Keep Management Records

Table of contents:


The official information about the financial condition of the enterprise is provided by the financial statements. But for the prompt solution of issues arising in the process of economic activity, it is necessary to maintain management accounting. For a successful business, you need to build it on several basic principles.

How to keep management records
How to keep management records


Step 1

The organization's management accounting system should be based on information summarized according to the following requirements: - brevity and clarity of presentation, the absence of unnecessary details; - accuracy and reliability; - efficiency, that is, it should be available by the time it is needed; - comparability by time and divisions of the company; - targeting, that is, it must be communicated to the responsible persons, but with confidentiality.

Step 2

There is no generally accepted management accounting standard. Create a system suitable for your business that would be optimal for operational decision-making.

Step 3

When developing a management accounting procedure, structure it into 2 main sections: accounting for the current state of resources and debts; cost accounting. The use of this method will help to establish the amount and direction of spending of funds, as well as predict future needs for attracting additional funding.

Step 4

The current accounting of resources and debts is the compilation of summaries and reports on the activities of the divisions of the enterprise in each area of management at regular intervals (daily, weekly, monthly). In summaries, as a rule, every day the state of affairs in different areas of activity is recorded, reports fix subtotals for a certain period or for a specific date (the first day of a month or week). In summary reports, the most significant information is comprehensively summarized, reflecting the overall real picture, for example, for senior management, shareholders, banks, etc.

Step 5

To organize the accounting of resources and debts, develop forms of reporting documents, methods for filling them out, the frequency of preparation, as well as the procedure for transferring to management and other users. Be guided by an approximate list of issues on which management accounting is based: sales, purchases, receivables and payables, stocks of finished goods, work in progress, raw materials and components, manufactured products, barter transactions, cash flow, loan portfolio, off-balance sheet commitments, profits, etc. losses, management balance.

Step 6

Cost accounting is an analysis of information about the general level of costs, profitability and unprofitableness of the enterprise as a whole, individual areas of activity, products and services, and divisions. To manage it competently and transparently, divide expenses by cost item, frequency of occurrence and other parameters. For convenience, compose a reference-classifier, taking as a basis the chart of accounts of accounting, or create your own model, taking into account the peculiarities of your enterprise.

Step 7

Automate the process of preparing and transmitting information: different developers offer software products to ensure effective accounting. Choose a program that meets your requirements from the existing ones or prepare a technical assignment for creating a new one.

Step 8

Over time, improve the management accounting system, adjust it in relation to the emerging needs in the analysis and synthesis of information about the economic activities of the enterprise.
