6 "golden" Rules Of Business Correspondence

6 "golden" Rules Of Business Correspondence
6 "golden" Rules Of Business Correspondence

Every businessman should know the rules of business correspondence. It is worth conducting a small educational program on this topic.

The meaning of business correspondence
The meaning of business correspondence

First rule: "Detailed title"

It is extremely important to write at least a few words in the subject line so that the addressee decides to open the letter. Otherwise, such an email will be considered spam.

Second rule: "Structure"

The content of each business letter should be divided into the following points:

• How did you find out about the addressee

• What can you offer him

• How he will benefit from cooperation with you

Third rule: "Feedback"

At the end of the letter, indicate your contacts and position. The recipient will immediately know who you are, how to contact you if the commercial offer turned out to be attractive to him.

The fourth rule: "Only Russian language"

A business letter should not contain slang words, emoticons, obscene words, unacceptable abbreviations and non-existent language constructions. Only the mighty Russian language.

Fifth rule: "Appreciate the addressee's time"

Send business letters only as needed. The addressee will not waste time reading the next commercial offer. Guess the time.

Sixth rule: "Unity of writing"

Attached files, if such are implied, should be in the body of the letter, and not sent by the next letter. Unfortunately, this rule is often ignored.
